The new year has come and we've been busy with the new babe and Janna. Janna has some new light toys that she really likes:
And Alexa is discovering all of Janna's old baby toys:
Janna now has had her Peg Perego stroller adapted with a specialized headrest, foam lat support and proper harnesses to help make it more appropriate for her. We were so delighted to have this done as it makes that seating not only more appropriate but also SAFE to seat her in. She can't arch out when properly clipped in and she doesn't arch as much because the headrest supports her head yet still allows her some movement to each side. Janna has also had her Pony walker/stander adapted to help keep her in it without arching backwards. It does do the trick but the jury is still out on whether Janna will adapt to the adaptation. The only downfall in the way the back and head support in the Pony has been built is that it still will not allow her to bring her body up straight - it keeps her a bit leaning forward (prone) while standing so it's still not an optimal position. She's didn't mind it at first but now she's starting to show us she's not totally thrilled - perhaps we'll figure that one out yet - it may need some additional adjustment.
The best news ever is that Janna's long awaited "Cuddle Bug" adaptive stroller will be shipped to us on the 28th of this month. We really missed it after we had to return the loaner. My Insurer has said they will cover it under Janna's "lifetime maximum" for mobility equipment which leaves me with mixed feelings as this obviously isn't the last time we'll need to purchase mobility equipment for her. Truth be told I'd rather they have only covered the $2K for a regular wheelchair (not motorized) and let us go to my husband's health spending account to claim the remainder - that would have left us with more flexibility in leftover funding should we need to access insurance funds for more equipment in future. I guess maximizing our funding options isn't in the insurer's interest. :) (duh!)
Oh well - my motto lately is lets worry about today and let tomorrow's challenges be dealt with when the time comes.