Janna Lauren Denali Epp was born on 4:50pm July 30th at Chilliwack General Hospital. Weight was 6 lbs 14oz. The labour and delivery itself was more or less normal but a bit on the difficult side for Jenn. When Janna arrived into the world, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and was quite discoloured. She could not breathe on her own, so the doctors had to administer Oxygen (photo 7).
She subsequently was improving with the doctors early the next morning planning on discharging both Jenn and Janna. However at around 9:00am, Janna suffered a series of seizures for which the cause is still uncertain. It took a fair amount of anti-seizure drugs to control this. Subsequently it was decided that Janna and Jenn be heli-jetted to the BC Children’s hospital for further examinaiton and testing. We spoke to a leading neurologist there who wanted to enter Janna into a test study that he was working on where newborns with such condiitons were given an initial MRI scan witihn 24 hours of birth, rather than the standard 3 days after birth.
We agreed to this, which put little Janna into a study and will receive extra care and observation by a team of neurologists who are well respected in their field. The results of the day one MRI shows that Janna did indeed receive some level of stress to the brain, but we are still unsure how much if any damage was done and if it is permanent or what level of healing will take place. A day three exam tomorrow will hopefully bring some more light to just what happened as things settle down.
She is still quite sedated and is on anti-seizure medication and will remain that way until the doctors feel it is safe for her to reduce the medication and hopefully eliminate it. She is responsive to touch and now has no difficulty breathing on her own. She still has yet to be breast-fed and is getting nutrition via intravenous. She will likely remain at BC Children’s for awhile yet as there is also most likely a day 8 MRI as well. Jenn is currently staying at BC Children’s but will have to get a place to stay on Sunday as she will be discharged at that time. We have some good leads for nearby accomodation.
Today’s brain activity monitor saw more activity than what was seen yesterday and seemed less lethargic, so we hold onto good news where we can. At this point it is pretty much a waiting game to see what will happen in the future and what kind of road to recovery we can expect. Hopefully tomorrow’s MRI will shed more light on her condition.
August 1, 2008 @ 10:28 pm
Thanks for the info, Tim. This is a great idea.
August 2, 2008 @ 12:03 am
Our thoughts & prayers are with you both, and Janna. Stay strong.
August 2, 2008 @ 1:02 am
Hi…thanks for sending us the link.
- Anita Said,
August 2, 2008 @ 1:10 am
Congratulations Tim and Jenn on the birth of your beautiful daughter. What a lovely, elegant name for your little “Epplet”. We said a prayer for all of you tonight and pray for full recovery for Janna and peace of mind and strength for you as you go down this road with your wee daughter.
Anita and Fernando
August 2, 2008 @ 12:39 pm
Wow, Janna Version 2.0 is already far more technologically advanced than I am - glad to see she is taking her role so seriously!
What a beautiful little bairn, mum, and dad. I am aching to see the three of you… and that visit is not too far off, thank goodness. Last night I counted every last lucky star that I could - there was a lot - I will do it tonight too.
Congratulations again and again and again! What a delightful addition to an already exceedingly delightful duo,
xo, Janza
August 2, 2008 @ 5:23 pm
Little (well, still smaller than me!) Shade saw the pics, said “aawwww” and asked who it was, I reminded her of our CT friends
Anyhow, our thoughts and prayers are with you three. I’ll be watching this blog (appreciate you taking the time to keep us all posted on the progress of your beautiful daughter).
Mom looks great!
Stay strong Janna, and peace be with you Jenn and Tim…

Anyhow, our thoughts and prayers are with you three. I’ll be watching this blog (appreciate you taking the time to keep us all posted on the progress of your beautiful daughter).
Mom looks great!
Stay strong Janna, and peace be with you Jenn and Tim…
August 2, 2008 @ 8:58 pm
Hey Tim and Jenn,
Congratulations on your little one. What a great way to let everyone know how mom and baby are doing. Looking forward to meeting little Janna. We will continue to pray for complete recovering of both.
Hilda Epp
Congratulations on your little one. What a great way to let everyone know how mom and baby are doing. Looking forward to meeting little Janna. We will continue to pray for complete recovering of both.
Hilda Epp
August 5, 2008 @ 9:51 pm
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!!! Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts to you all.
August 6, 2008 @ 7:29 pm
Hi guys , great idea with the blog instead of me pestering you with emails at this trying time. With baby Janna ’s genes, I’m sure she will pull through this setback in no time at all!
I’ll be heading out of town for a few weeks soon and will look in where ever I can find a computer.
Just want you both to know you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I’ll be heading out of town for a few weeks soon and will look in where ever I can find a computer.
Just want you both to know you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
August 9, 2008 @ 11:01 am
Dear Tim and Jenn Congratulations! . We welcome little Janna with open arms to our family, Even though there are miles between us ~ you are in our thoughts and prayers. We so appreciate the “blog” to see your beautiful pictures and the updates. Just know that your family is thinking of you and sending those “special” angels to watch over you and little Janna. Lovingly Vic and Jan xoxoxoxox
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