You couldn’t have wiped the smile off my face. That afternoon we went back to my Aunts to make sure I had a nap to prepare for my first night as mom with Janna by my beside.
The night went extremely well. I found Janna to be easy, just requiring patience and persistence during feeds, our nurse for the night hadn’t ever had Janna in her care before and she seemed more nervous than I felt while preparing both of us for our night together but by the end of the night and her last check-up with us in the early morning she was giving me the “thumbs up” sign and she seemed quite satisfied with my ability to care for little J outside of the hospital.
That morning during rounds the resident signed the last bit of paperwork for release and we were given our referral numbers for a pediatrician and occupational therapist in Chilliwack, her RX for meds and one last bedside visit by the Neurologist that will be following up with Janna in 3-6 months time and we were on our way.
Janna’s first day at home was very nice. I couldn’t get used to how quiet it was after all the hospital noises were both subjected to over the last week or so. I imagine “little J” felt much the same. So far so good. I’m slowly trying to work in some B-feeding attempts during her more awake feeds and while she has latched and given a few sucks I think we’re a little ways from success yet. I’m hoping we’ll both be able to figure it out by the end of the month with the help of the public health nurse.
It’s so great to treat Janna like a regular baby for a change. We’ll be monitoring her development carefully with the help of her Occupational Therapist to insure that she receives any help she may need quickly.
I’ll post pictures once I have the chance to upload. Taking care of a newborn while still expressing doesn’t leave a lot of time do manage things like blogs but we’ll do our best. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes. I’m sure they helped tremendously.
August 13, 2008 @ 8:14 pm
Great news.
So happy Janna finally got to come home.
Sounds like she is doing wonderfully, you too.
Looking forward to seeing the 3 of you again soon.
So happy Janna finally got to come home.
Sounds like she is doing wonderfully, you too.
Looking forward to seeing the 3 of you again soon.
August 13, 2008 @ 10:21 pm
Oh Jenn, what a fabulous update! I’m so happy for you.
((HUG)) (so hard without smileys!)
August 13, 2008 @ 10:38 pm
FANTASTIC NEWS Jenn!!!! Hope “little J” has an excellent first couple days home!
August 13, 2008 @ 11:08 pm
I’m SO glad to hear she’s home, Jenn! 

August 14, 2008 @ 8:55 am
Welcome home little one!!! This is fantastic news! Sounds like Little MIss J is heading in the right direction. That is awesome. Wishing you all the best,
August 14, 2008 @ 12:40 pm
wonderful news! continued prayers and good thoughts
SO happy to hear little Janna is at home

August 14, 2008 @ 5:31 pm
How wonderful to hear Janna’s home with Mom and Dad where she belongs. The body was made to heal and love accomplishes much! I’m looking forward to meeting you Janna. Good work Jenn, you’re already a great MOM!
August 15, 2008 @ 1:09 am
Great news to hear that your night together went well… and good that you are still trying the B-feeding… We did that when everyone else was doing bottles… B-feeding was so handy, always the right temp… and we never ran out…. and it’s such a special thing that you can do for Janna and for yourself. Have fun!!!
August 15, 2008 @ 6:14 pm
WHOOHOO! Getting back from a successful bomber trip to such fantastic news makes everything even better! Up for a visit in a day or two? I will be heading out of town either tomorrow or the next day.
September 17, 2008 @ 5:29 pm
So glad to hear she finally went home and things improved through those first two weeks. Any updates? I’ve been meaning the whole time to post a comment here to tell you that my thoughts and hopes are with you and baby Janna, and haven’t remembered to, so I hope this late comment will make up for it.
Hoping for the best,
Hoping for the best,
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