Today was a GOOD day and we’re focussing on that and little Janna as we take time now to get to know our daughter without her IVs, brain monitoring and feeding tube. She’s still fairly sedated. They stopped the Dylantin but it will take awhile to have it leave her system. Her Pheno levels are now dropping to a theraputic level and eventually when her little liver is able to metabolize it better it will not have as much of a sedative affect on her throughout the day.
I had a wonderful cuddle time with her this morning after her nurse gave her an early bottle feeding. She is getting more and more alert and I love to see those eyes open if only half-way during a feed. During our cuddle I had her laying down on my chest with her head resting on my shoulder positioned to see Tim in the chair opposite me so he could share in the joy of just loving her. While we were chatting she, in that jerky newborn way, picked up her head and turned it inwards to me. This both delighted and surprised me. It seemed she was turing towards the sounds of her mother and that left me beaming, it’s an excellent sign and these days every “normal” newborn infant behaviour she exhibits makes my heart soar.
She finished her two o’clock bottle feed in 15 minutes which is more excellent news. She is also an easy burper and her gag reflex is good which is more “normal” good news. I had a feeding time with her around 5 this evening and while she was able to get through most of it fairly quickly she stalled out on the last 5mls. This was her Med feeding so we had to get as much into her as possible so we continued trying for another half hour and did get a bit more down before deciding to let it go.
Janna has wonderful nurses and I’m taking the time to learn to care for her and work with her little quirks, they are very patient and I appreciate them immensely.
August 8, 2008 @ 2:31 am
Aaawww I love this post… So wonderful to read about the special bond between a mom and her new baby Jenn!! Baby Janna is doing so well, she’s an inspiration to us all 

Beautiful photos, keep them coming… I’ve been checking this blog daily, wanting to know how Janna is doing, but even moreso the photos are a real bonus!
Awesome parents, Im sure Janna already knows that 

August 8, 2008 @ 10:30 am
Hi Tim & Jen:
So good to hear that Janna is feeding well and doing normal baby things. So good that you got to cuddle with her. I pray that she will be well enough to go home with you this week-end and that you will continue to see signs that she is a normal baby girl. I loe to see the photos too. Love to all of you!
So good to hear that Janna is feeding well and doing normal baby things. So good that you got to cuddle with her. I pray that she will be well enough to go home with you this week-end and that you will continue to see signs that she is a normal baby girl. I loe to see the photos too. Love to all of you!
August 8, 2008 @ 3:48 pm
I was away for two days and just catching up on your Janna Blog. I am still positive that Janna will surprise all the Doctors. So much love and prayers surround your family and these positive energies are bound to accomplish much. Take care Jenn and Tim, I hope Janna gets to come home soon.
August 8, 2008 @ 3:49 pm
Things are looking up!
Like was mentioned earlier, the brain’s very resilient at that age, so hopefully there are no lasting effects. In any event, Janna couldn’t do better for parents. Thinkin’ of you all.

August 8, 2008 @ 10:20 pm
The pictures are adorable…she’s absolutely beautiful! I am so thrilled to hear some of the normal developmental things happening too. I’ve been waiting to hear some of that mentioned. So glad things are looking up for you guys!!! Thanks for keeping us updated…you all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
August 8, 2008 @ 11:23 pm
What a little sweetheart! really good to hear Janna is feeding well and responding to her mom’s voice too. Hoping you get to take her home soon and that she continues to improve. Best wishes as always.
August 8, 2008 @ 11:44 pm
Yeah!! Go little Janna! She’s just as tough as her mum & dad
. Thinking of you guys daily. Keep up the smiles - you’re both such positive people.

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